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A woman applying skincare products with a paintbrush

#SkinCare: Are You Using Too Many Products?

October 02, 20234 min read

#SkinCare: Are You Using Too Many Products? 

Lifestyle Collective, October 2, 2023

By Audrey Tan

Think about it—how many different types of skincare products do you have in your collection at this very moment? How many of them do you actually use, and how many have you abandoned?

The beauty industry wants us to believe that using many different types of products on our skin is the answer to a radiant, flawless complexion. And with the rise of the internet, there’s no shortage of celebrities and influences touting their beauty routines every time you browse the internet. 

But after going through an arsenal of toners, serums, essences, ampoules, and creams, I reached a point where I wondered – are these products really working? Have I (and possibly you) crossed the line into skincare overload? Let’s take a closer look.

Why You Should Revisit Your Skincare Routine

At the peak of my skincare abuse, I started seeing more problems on my skin than before. I had weird bumps that didn’t seem to go away. Frustrated that none of my many products worked, I finally visited my dermatologist. They told me I was piling on so many products that my skin had gone haywire.

Following this revelation, I dug deeper and here’s what I’ve learned:

  • There’s such a thing as over-moisturising and over-exfoliating – both do the skin more harm than good.

  • When you use more than one active ingredient on the skin or constantly change formulas, the skin barrier becomes impaired, causing it to dry out. It begins to gradually crack, making it more sensitive and susceptible to irritants and harmful bacteria that can worsen existing skin conditions/create new ones. 

  • Even if the skin doesn’t become problematic, layering different types of ingredients might be counter-intuitive as one ingredient may cancel the effects of another when used together. 

  • Maintaining an extensive routine can strain your budget. While there are affordable options, skincare products are costly. Using only the right products for your skin means you’ll have more money to use elsewhere.

  • It’s not just our skin and bank account that suffer from skincare overuse; it also affects the environment. With brands launching a new product every week, the cosmetic industry produces an estimated 120 billion units of packaging that end up in landfills yearly. You’re not just piling up products on your skin; you’re piling up the landfills, too! 

The Key To Finding Balance In Skincare

Since my wake-up call, I am now on a journey of skincare recovery. If you’re ready to strip back your skincare routine, here are some practical changes that have helped me: 

  1. Simplify your routine 

Most experts agree that three main steps are all you need—cleanse, tone, moisturise, and sunscreen. I have stopped using serums, essences, and ampoules, sticking to a cleanser, toner, moisturiser, and SPF that I already know works well for my skin. Now, my skin feels healthier, and I experience minimal problems/breakouts!

  1. Get to know your skin type

Another thing about piling too many products on the skin is that you might not even know your true skin type since some products can really dry out the skin. By stripping back to the basics in no. 1, you will get to know your skin type and skin concerns. Once it is more stable, then you can start introducing active ingredients to fight specific problems one at a time.

  1. Read labels and research ingredients

Before purchasing new skincare products, read the label and research the ingredients. Of course, not all of us are experts, which is why is fantastic! This website lets you input the product you want to look up, and it lists and decodes all the ingredients used in an easy-to-understand manner. It even tells you if the product contains anything “icky,” which you might want to watch out for.

  1. Be consistent and remember that less is more

Skincare requires consistency, patience, and diligence. Yes, brands launch new products every week, but it doesn’t mean you need all of them on your face. Remember that it’s not the number of products you use but the quality and consistency of using them. Routine rules!

I used to have a product to target every single one of my skin concerns, from acne-fighting to pore-tightening and anti-ageing. The allure of flawless skin has us stocking our shelves with every new product launch. 

Take it from me, and don’t wait till you see red blotches on your skin. Do your skin, bank account, and the environment a favour and start being mindful about what you put on your face. Ignore all the fancy marketing jargon and latest releases. Find a balance that meets your skin’s needs without overwhelming it. 

Practising less is more when it comes to skincare is truly the secret to maintaining a radiant and, most importantly, healthy complexion. 

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