Empowering Your Journey:

From Birth to Parenthood and Beyond


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Connected Birth - Confident Mother Package (5 months of 1:1 Support)

$490.00/ month

$100.00 One-Time Setup fee

What if you could step into motherhood with confidence, clarity, and a sense of inner peace, feeling deeply supported and nourished and knowing that you got this?

Imagine feeling empowered and supported every step of the way—from pregnancy through those tender first weeks with your newborn.

Picture a journey where you feel deeply connected to your baby, satisfied with your birthjourney, secure in your relationships, and confident in your ability to be the mother you desire to be for your child and create a life that feels authentically aligned with your core values and fulfilling.

Maybe in this moment your feeling overwhelmed, unsure, or even a little lost as you prepare for this new chapter of motherhood. Maybe you’re anxious about how you’ll cope with birth, the changes, worried about not feeling connected to your baby, or fearful of losing your sense of self in the process. You desire to feel prepared, supported, and deeply connected to yourself and your growing family. You want to trust your intuition, navigate challenges with grace, and create a fulfilling experience that honors your and your babies needs and desires.

This exclusive CONNECTED BIRTH - CONFIDENT MOTHER SUPPORT PACKAGE is designed to do exactly that. It's not just about providing emotional and informational support—it's about giving you the support and tools to understand and transform yourself on a deep, cellular level. Together, we’ll work to heal past wounds, rewrite limiting beliefs, and empower you to create the birth and motherhood experience you’ve always desired.

Over the last 3 months of your pregnancy and the first 40 days after birth, this journey will:

  • Support you in feeling prepared and connected as you move through your pregnancy and postpartum period, helping you (re)find yourself during this transformative time.

  • Positively shape your satisfaction with your birth experience and your ability to meet the emotional and practical demands of early motherhood.

  • Nurture your connection with your baby and partner, so you feel fulfilled and supported in your relationships.

  • Empower you with agency over your life circumstances, giving you the confidence to create a family life that truly aligns with your values and desires.

If fears, doubt and challenges show up along the way we will tranform them together. If you realize that you hit on old limiting beliefs or challenging emotions we’ll gently explore the root causes of your fears and challenges, transforming them at their core into new ones that feel beneficial, true and helpful.

In our 5 month journey together i will hold a safe, healing and empowering space for you. I will guide you to release any past wounds or traumas that may be still showing up in your present life because your body is still holding on to it. You wil create new, positive cellular memories, nurturing your inner child and integrating all parts of yourself. This deep subconscious work will dramatically improve your ability to manage stress, overcome limitations, and cultivate a life of joy, peace, and confidence that aligns perfectly with your vision of motherhood. 

The Best Part: By Investing in Yourself, You’re Also Giving the Greatest Gift to Your Unborn Child.

As you allow yourself to be supported on your journey into motherhood and transform your own emotions, beliefs and experience, you’re not just creating for yourself feeling empowered and satisfied with your birth story and transition into motherhood—you’re also laying a powerful foundation for your child’s future.

Our deepest subconscious beliefs about ourselves and the world are formed between conception and the first three years of life, becoming imprinted in our autonomic nervous system. The emotions and experiences we have as tiny humans during this critical period profoundly shape our sense of security, confidence, and overall outlook on life. Babies absorb and feel their mother's emotions as if they are their own, which means that your healing directly impacts their emotional and psychological development.

This isn’t about feeling bad or guilty—it’s about recognizing the incredible opportunity you have right now to nurture yourself and, in turn, give your child the gift of safety, confidence, and well-being. By allowing yourself to heal and receive the support you need to feel fully safe, you are giving your child all the things you most desire for them—a secure, joyful start in life.

What You’ll Receive in the 5 months of walking together:

  • Bi-Weekly Personal Sessions during your Pregnancy: Consistent, personalized guidance tailored to your evolving needs.

  • Weekly Sessions During Key Phases: Intensive support from 37 weeks of pregnancy to birth.

  • Weekly Sessions During 40 days Post delivery: Be held, guided and nurtered at this beautiful and vunerable time where everything is different then before and you find yourself new. 

  • Dedicated Lactation Support: As much as needed, ensuring a smooth breastfeeding journey.

  • Relationship Coaching & Support: Strengthen your connection with your partner as you grow into parenthood together.

  • Unlimited Access via WhatsApp or Voxer: Quick responses within 24 hours and priority assistance for urgent concerns.

  • Access to "The RADIANT MOTHER COMMUNITY" for additional resources, inspiration, and support.

Begin your motherhood journey on a path of radiance and fulfillment, grounded in self-trust and holistic support. Together, we'll make sure that from the very beginning, your experience is one of connection, joy, and empowerment—just as you've always desired.

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Company logo of 'EFT Motherhood Coaching & Doula Support' in an elegant and nurturing font, symbolizing compassion, support, and empowerment in motherhood, set against a calming and warm-colored background, representing the brand's commitment to providing holistic and personalized support for mothers on their journey through pregnancy, birth, and beyond

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