Clara James Tutoring


Conquering Negative Numbers

Nothing Nice About Negative Numbers!

September 02, 20244 min read

Nothing Nice About Negative Numbers


Yesterday I was working with a lad on negative numbers. I got the overall view that his opinion is that there is nothing nice at all about negative numbers!

I think this was worsened by the fact that his brain was still very much in holiday mode.

But I did wonder whether it would be worth just going over them again.

If we start with the question: 5-2:

You could probably answer this instinctively: Start with 5 and take 2 a way (move back 2 towards zero) to get the answer of 3.

0 0 0 0 0



00 000



However, if this was rearranged to have -2+5 it seems far more challenging!

What I suggest is that you draw or imagine a number line. The -2 gives you your starting point. Because we are adding move up the number line to the right →

Last night it was minus 2 degrees, and it got 5 degrees warmer. So, as we move up past the 0 and finish on the 3.

That’s our answer.


a negative plus a positive visual image

As our next example we could use the question, -2 -5.

Once again imagine (or draw) the number line. Your starting point is -2. This time it tells us to minus (or take) 5. So, we need to head left ← down the number line. In effect it’s getting colder.

Our answer would be -7.


Subtracting a negative from a negative visual image

Hopefully this is making sense.

Our next example might be 2-+5.

If you have a – and a + together, the minus always wins. It’s like an unfair arm wrestle with the – being the stronger contestant. You know the score before you’ve even started.

You can ignore the + and focus on the -, giving us the question 2-5.

Start at 2 on the number line and move left (because we are subtracting) down past zero to minus 3.

The next example could be 2- -5.

Here we have 2 negative signs together.

Please excuse my logic but it works for me…

When they are together, they feel positive, so it becomes an addition sum, giving us 2+5, which is the same as 7.

2 negatives TOGETHER make a positive / an addition question.


Next, we can move on to multiplying.

Multiplying negative numbers

If we are multiplying a positive by a negative the answer will be negative:

3x-5 = -15

-3x 5 = -15

1 negative in a multiplication question gives you a negative answer.

If we are multiplying 2 negatives together, we are again feeling more positive, giving us a positive answer:

-3 x -5 = 15

-5 x -3 = 15


multiplying 2 negatives or 2 positives

Finally, we can move on to division. This is like multiplication. If we have 1 negative number in the question, we will have a negative answer:

-15 ÷ 5 = -3

-15 ÷ 3 =-5


And again, 2 negatives in the question will give us a positive answer:

-15 ÷ -3 = 5

-15 ÷ =3 = 5


It works like this because if we worked the question backwards, we would in effect be doing the inverse (opposite) which is the same as multiplying.


I hope at least some of that made sense.


When you are practicing negative numbers, I would recommend drawing yourself a bright colourful number line that you can move up and down, also have fact sheets of the rules so that you can remind yourself of them when needed. That way you just need to focus on the actual maths and not the multiple different rules involved.


The games we would use would probably involve Ludo, snakes and ladders, and a board game. I might also be tempted with an older child to play chess, having a different number down the side and bottom of the board, then adding them together if you land on the square that links them. I hope that makes sense, a bit like you would read coordinates on a graph.


Each week we send out an email supporting some aspects of primary maths or English (Monday) or secondary (Thursday) maths or English. If you would like to receive either, please do let me know and I will make sure you get them:

I hope it helps


negative numbersmaths supportparentinghome education
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Dawn Strachan

For the past 20+ years I have been a firm believer that learning should be an enjoyable experience. I appreciate that traditionally education has revolved around worksheets, textbooks, listening to teachers. But a grounding in early years and working with children who had a variety of learning styles from I learned that it is an individual activity that is personal to all of us. We don’t all learn in the same way. Our influences, our experiences, our capabilities all influence how we retain information. But through it all, I believe that if we can make it enjoyable and engaging, they will want to participate. With participation comes practice which in turn boosts skill and confidence. With an increase in skill and confidence comes a willingness to have a go. This in turn leads to more practice which leads to a positive spiral of success. The moral, we need to make learning fun, engaging, use a range of techniques.

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I hope the week is going well.

So many people seem to be doing D of E and work experience
at the moment, good luck if that’s you and if you’re at Marlow Camp next
fingers crossed for good weather!


I’ve just finished a lesson on division. It seems to be
something that messes with the brains of so many people.

I found it got easier when I stopped thinking about it as
division and instead thought about it as multiplication. So, if for example I
had the question 396 divided by 3, I would look at it as 3x what = 3. My answer
would be 1. How many times would I need to multiply 3 to get to 9, (my answer
would be 3). Then 3x something = 6. My answer would be 2. Giving me the overall
answer of 132.

I know that’s a really simple example but hopefully it explains
my point.


Thankfully in schools they don’t often seem to need to do
long division, but I’ve worked with a couple of adults (generally nurses for
some reason) who have needed it.


I think I’ll explain this one in a video, as it will be too
complicated to explain it with words as bits get put all over the place. I hope
this makes sense though:  

Enjoy the rest of the week and speak soon,

