Rhythm for Reading Online CPD complements and deepens the teaching of phonics

“Children that were reluctant to pick up a book, reluctant to read, reluctant to do anything around reading see themselves as readers, want to read and start enjoying reading because they internalize the kind of almost MAGIC that goes on in the sessions - that shouldn’t work - but does work!

Lower Key stage 2 Lead Teacher

Online CPD for teachers of early reading

"It supplements and extends our synthetic phonics programme"

Headteacher, Inner London

When children cannot process the first part of a phoneme, such as the onset of 'm' in 'man', all the sounds of language are also affected, but in different ways. To cope with this, the speed of learning slows down. The child's working memory becomes strained. Their attention fragments before a single word has been read. The frustration of these experiences is constant and affects a child's self-esteem, day after day, year after year.

What can we do when reading does not progress beyond the word level?

"All the students who took part in the project are now reading more fluently" Special Children Magazine.

Reading at the word level, is tiring for children. Their attention fades quickly because they fixate on individual syllables. The words do not flow and so they do not experience reading as meaningful. Some people think that banging a drum while the child reads can help, but this does not resolve the underlying problem and may even have a detrimental effect. So, what's the answer?


Like you, I want ALL children to enjoy their reading and I am here to help you with that.

The Rhythm for Reading Programme is built on rhythm-based exercises that were first developed to help children, who were unable to learn through conventional teaching methods.

These children were pupils at an 'outstanding' primary school, but they struggled with their impulsive behaviour. One had been suspended for damaging school property. They were unable to focus on their work and were attaining below expectation. After using a rhythm-based approach, everyone saw the profound change that had taken place.

How I can help you

30 weeks of CPD

The online course is built on three decades of face-to-face delivery, assessment, research and analysis..

30 weeks of coaching0

Each teacher on my online CPD programme is supported by self-reflection tools and weekly mini coaching calls.

30 weeks of innovation

My approach shows what's possible when teachers are encouraged to find solutions through innovation.

New on the blog...

When Rhythm and Phonics Collide

A child with weak phonemic awareness cannot detect the differences between sounds, but rhythm sharpens perception.

Finding Flow in Early Reading

Children who most need to improve in terms of reading fluency require support from the most effective teachers.

Rhythm and Reading Comprehension

The 'sing-song' quality of speech comes to life in children’s voices when they read with ease, fluency and understanding.

"We chose Rhythm for Reading as an intervention for our children in school as we have a significant gap with children who were in reception and year one during the pandemic. It just so happened that music was also a key area of focus for us as a school and therefore the programme sounded perfect for us. The course is well structured and the research behind the techniques is very interesting and this was delivered astutely to staff by Marion prior to the course starting...."

-Deputy Principal



Discover the hidden links between rhythm, phonemes, attention and fluency

It's obvious that rhythm is the organising factor in the development of language, so why not use rhythm to boost targeted support in the teaching of early reading?


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

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