I guide you EVERY step of the way

through 30 weeks of online CPD

How I can help YOU help THEM to read.

#1 Attention

If a child's attention scatters, fades or fragments in class, these tools can rebuild it.

#2 #2 Self-regulation

If a child's social behaviour is dysregulated in class, this approach can restore balance.

#3 Confidence

If a child lacks stamina and resilience in class, these tools can ignite their confidence.



Building an atmosphere of safety and belonging is the first step.

What really matters is a shared ethos of respect, care and compassion.

Rhythm for Reading promotes inclusive values. Even within caring schools, some children are unable to learn to collaborate with others, or even to trust the process of learning. Schools are 'informed' about these children's needs, but with Rhythm for Reading, schools and teachers can, in only a few weeks, transform these children's lives.

Work with me online and transform

their reading

Many informed teachers already understand the reasons behind a child's struggle to focus and to read.

My online CPD course gives teachers the option to co-teach with me using video in the classroom, or to use the video materials to prepare each session in depth. The course equips teachers to work with children, six to eight years of age, in small groups and to transform their reading after just six weeks of the ten week Rhythm for Reading Programme.

Ask me anything in mini coaching calls

My promise to you is that every teacher receives all the support that they need, week by week.

Every teacher on the Rhythm for Reading programme has their own allocated slot for a fifteen minute mini coaching call every week. Teacher well-being is my priority and I have created self-care and self-evaluation tools to support learning.

We dedicate a third

of the training to


After 20 weeks, teachers are proficient in delivery and are ready to learn how to meet SEND needs.

Rhythm for Reading has helped children in Special Schools as well as those in mainstream. The programme has a firm structure and built in features that make it suitable for neurodivergent children, as well as for children with specific learning difficulties. There are many additional modifications that can be applied, as required in the final 10 weeks of training.

Things that we’ve been trying to get to happen for two or three years suddenly click into place after six weeks of doing the programme. Obviously for the academic side, the children’s levels go up quite significantly, but from the personal point of view - just the love of reading - and the way that they want to read and see themselves as readers is quite special as well.

Year Three Teacher


Discovery Call:

30 weeks of CPD with Rhythm for Reading

Book a no obligation FREE Discovery Call with me and find out more about the transformative power of rhythm.

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Suspendisse pulvinar, metus vitae finibus interdum, nunc nibh interdum ante quis nisi.