Lisa Kerry Physiotherapist | 07903 389905 |

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Anatomical image of the shoulder blade and rotator cuff muscles

Shoulder Strong; How Physiotherapy Can Help You Conquer Rotator Cuff Pain

September 15, 20242 min read

"Shoulder Strong: How Physiotherapy Can Help You Conquer Rotator Cuff Pain

Back pain and neck pain are top the leader board of conditions that I treat most often, followed closely in third by shoulder complaints. The shoulder is our most mobile joint, a ball-and-socket configuration with many muscles, ligaments and tendons that need to work in a very co-ordinated way to keep it functioning well. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that cross from the shoulder blade to the upper arm and together they control the angle of rotation of the arm and assist in all of its movements. 

Rotator cuff issues in the shoulder are one of the most common shoulder injuries and are very common as we age; some 30% of people over 60 years will have some degree of rotator cuff injury. Posture is the key issue with rotator cuff problems. Consider it like the tracking in your car. If the shoulder joint is not aligned correctly, friction occurs in the rotator cuff tendons and pain often follows. As we age it is common to become more rounded in the upper back which alters the position of the shoulder joint. I’d like to reassure you, if you have shoulder problems or are concerned about them, that there are simple, achievable solutions to manage these problems effectively. By making a few lifestyle tweaks, understanding and improving your posture and with my hands-on treatments, I am confident we can alleviate your pain and improve your shoulder function.

I am keen user or Dynamic Tape, a type of strapping that enables me to re-educate muscles that may have forgotten their postural role. It’s water-proof and can stay on for up to a week at a time. You may spot some people in the village who are taped up - keep a look out! My physiotherapy treatment also includes personalised exercises and stretches that target the specific muscles involved, helping to strengthen the area and reduce the risk of further injury. I am passionate about educating my clients in self-care so that once the acute episode of pain is under control you will have the tools and knowledge to manage the problem yourself.

Shoulder mechanics are complex but with my help they are not complicated. Remember, you don't have to live with rotator cuff pain as you age. With the right support and guidance from me, you can keep your shoulders in good working order and continue enjoying an active, pain-free lifestyle.

#TheEnableMovement #LisaKerryPhysio #ShoulderStrong #RotatorCuff #Physiotherapy #ShoulderHealth #PainFreeLiving #PostureMatters #AgeWell #InjuryPrevention #MovementIsMedicine #PhysioTips


Lisa is a Chartered Physiotherapist and Sports & Exercise Medicine Specialist.

Lisa Kerry

Lisa is a Chartered Physiotherapist and Sports & Exercise Medicine Specialist.

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