Lisa Kerry Physiotherapist | 07903 389905 |

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Graphic image of the bones, discs and nerves of the neck

Pain in the neck

April 28, 20244 min read

Understanding Neck Pain: Beyond the Structural Cause

Graphic image of the structures on the neck including vertebrae, discs and nerves

Neck pain is an all too common experience for many of us, and the source of the pain can often be a mystery. Is it a slipped disc, a pinched nerve, a strained muscle or ligament? The truth is, while identifying the specific tissue at fault can be helpful, focusing on the underlying cause is often less important than understanding and managing the pain itself.

There are many structures in the neck that can cause pain, including discs, nerves, ligaments, and muscles. While each of these may require specific medical attention in severe cases, for the majority of people, focusing on overall pain management, posture and behavior when in pain can make a significant difference in the recovery process.

My approach to neck pain, as with any part of the body, is to use my ARTS System.

Asses the problem

Respond to what your body needs

Treat the underlying causes

Sustain the gains

I have noticed a sharp increase in the number of clients coming to see me because of neck pain. Desk working and probably working from home has influenced this I believe.

Assess the problem

My initial assessment includes detailed history taking to understand when and how the problem started, what symptoms are present, what influences the symptoms (makes it worse or better). I listen to what you have tried to do to alleviate the pain, what has worked and what has not. The nature of pain (dull, burning, throbbing, aching) helps me to identify which structures are likely to be causative. By the end of the interview I have a strong suspicion of what is wrong....the physical assessment is done to confirm or refute the hypotheses I have made.

Respond to what your body needs

When in pain your body will naturally adopt a posture that relieves the painful structure. Rather than trying to sit erect with 'perfect posture', I recommend that you listen to what your posture is telling you. Allow yourself to be where your body wants you to be but make sure that you support your arms and head with cushion, pillows or in severe cases perhaps even a neck collar. Taking the weight of your arms with external support rather than that weight being taken by the neck is very effective. I use taping often to support the shoulders, the product I use, Dynamic Tape, is wonderfully versatile and being waterproof is really practical too.

Muscle spasm is a common consequence of neck pain and always my starting point with hands-on treatments. Relieving spasm, stimulating circulation and restoring joint motion are core aims in the early stages.

Treat the underlying cause

At the end of the assessment session I may not have answered all my questions but that is ok. My priority is to send you away feeling less pain and more supported that when you arrived. Getting to final diagnosis can wait. It is worth noting that it may not be possible to reach a definite diagnosis. Often the cause of neck pain remains unknown in terms of structure. The causes in terms of lifestyle, behaviour, strength, mobility and posture will be clear however.

The role of stress and psychological factors in neck pain should not be overlooked. Managing stress levels through relaxation techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, can help reduce muscle tension and contribute to pain relief.

Sustain the gains

Once the pain has settled, joint mobility is restored, muscle length and nerve mobility are function properly again the physiotherapists work is not done in my opinion. I can't 'sign someone off' until I know that you are expert on your body. You know what areas are vulnerable, what your triggers are and how to remedy problems. I want to hear from you when you have exhausted all your self-help inputs but need some additional help to restore your movement. Don't wait until you are in pain to contact me please!

In conclusion, while understanding the specific cause of your neck pain can be helpful, it's equally important to focus on managing the pain itself through better posture and desk work-life behaviour, exercise, and lifestyle habits. By taking a holistic approach to neck pain, you can promote healing and prevent future discomfort. Remember, your body is capable of amazing resilience and recovery when given the right support.

Related resources

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Visit the posts in April 2024 to find the Desk Workers Ergonomic Makeover Challenge to help you reinvent your desk work-life.

Lisa is a Chartered Physiotherapist and Sports & Exercise Medicine Specialist.

Lisa Kerry

Lisa is a Chartered Physiotherapist and Sports & Exercise Medicine Specialist.

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